By Hallie Schuster
Some know me as vice president of the senior class, some as a chorus kid, some as an editor for the school newspaper, some as the boys varsity soccer manager, some as the one that stays up all night studying for her tests, and some as the health freak that spends her free time researching the newest scientific breakthroughs and trends in nutrition. I know myself as all of these people and more, stuck inside the body of one of the shortest girls in her grade.
High school is the time to be everything you want and pursue anything you want. It is not necessarily a time to find yourself and truly establish who you are. These four years are the last time in a student’s life that they are not forced to focus on one specific major or one career path. I often find that people enter high school and think that they are going to figure out exactly who they are and what they want to do with their lives. Yes, some students might figure it out and find their identity, but for the majority of students that is just not the case. I truly believe students should take advantage of the diverse range of opportunities high school has to offer. Do you like to act? Become involved with the plays. Love a good argument? Join speech and debate. Want to hear my opinion? Here it is: join them all!
My past four years at High School East have been years that I will never forget. Although I did spend countless nights awake until crazy hours finishing homework and studying for tests in order to maintain the highest GPA possible, I realize that the lessons I learned in and out of the classroom are more important than any single grade.
It is bittersweet to think about graduating. However, I could not be more excited for all that is to come throughout my next four years at the University of Georgia (Go Dawgs!). I am thankful to be able to bring all that I have learned in high school with me, but I will miss the teachers, friends, and opportunities the past four years have provided me with. To the incoming freshmen-take my advice and join all of the clubs and activities that HSE provides for you. To the graduating seniors-good luck with all that the future holds for you; I hope that your high school experience was filled with all that made you happy and more. A Future Bulldog Leaves her Paw Print on HSE