By: Ava Sobel
Throughout January and February, the Hills East Interact Club hosted the Soup-Er Bowl, where clubs, teachers, and other community groups were invited to participate in a competition to support Long Island Harvest. Both children and staff members of the HSE community were encouraged to donate non-perishable food items, and each team was awarded one yard per item donated. The goal of the competition is to earn enough yards and reach the end zone.
At the end of Week 3 of the Soup-er Bowl, the top 3 rankings were:
1st Place: National Honor Society and Dr. Stabile’s classes, each with 261 yards
2nd Place: Mrs. Cullen’s classes, with 230 yards
3rd Place: East Side Step Team and Black Student Alliance Club were tied with 199 yards.
Three weeks later, the final results were presented by Interact Club. All teams at High School East contributed outstanding efforts during the Soup-er Bowl to combat hunger in our local community!
1st Place: Mrs. Cullen’s classes with 1,141 yards
2nd Place: Math Honor Society with 679 yards
3rd Place: Dr. Stabile’s classes wit 544 yards
The first Soup-Er bowl at Hills East was incredibly successful, with a grand total of 7,057 nonperishable goods collected for Long Island Harvest. The Interact Club looks forward to hosting this next year, developing a new tradition at High School East!