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The Holiday Season: COVID-19 Edition

By: Rebecca Shimony and Bella Kolin

With the quarantine order remaining intact, people are frustrated over their inability to spend time with their families during this holiday season. Luckily, the pandemic has given us alternative ways to celebrate that are in accordance with COVID-19 protocols. 

First, a virtual holiday, through Zoom, provides a great way for everyone to “gather” from the comfort of their own homes. Although it is not ideal for sharing food or gift-giving, Zoom will keep grandparents and those at higher risk in safer conditions since they will less likely be exposed to the virus. Children attending schools or parents working out in the gym can increase their chances of contracting the virus. Unfortunately, this increased exposure might impact those at greater risk negatively if deciding to gather in-person. Luckily, Zoom will help limit this contact, providing an alternative solution. 

Another positive aspect of these Zoom gatherings is saving both food and money. When making food for just your family, large amounts of turkey, stuffing, apple pie, etc. will not be needed. Instead, you will only need to buy smaller portions which result in a smaller grocery bill. Depending on what foods you buy, the money will be saved because less quantity is being purchased. As a result, less food will be wasted.

Second, outdoor gatherings, with masks and social distancing, are a fun way to see family members while still following COVID-19 protocols. Although it is not the same as gathering inside by a fire, spending time with family is what the holiday season is all about. It’s better to bundle up and wear a mask to see your family than completely fall out of contact with them during the holiday season. 

Unfortunately, extending these unprecedented times into the holiday season is one of the worst-case scenarios. However, it is important to still find alternative ways to spread joy, love, and happiness to all during these tough times. Happy Holidays Thunderbirds!

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